Skills necessary

Heat Transfer

Structure Design

Stress Analysis

Liquid Fuel Propulsion Design

Finite Element Analysis

Computer-Aided Design

Computer-Aided Manufacturing


Mass Growth Analysis


Team Collaboration

Test Planning


Next Generation Interceptor


Designed Attitude and Control Systems for the Next Generation Interceptor at Aerojet Rocketdyne. Project is still on-going.

Public Information Link


  • Designed and Developed New Propulsion Systems for Thruster Systems 

  • Planned, Designed, and Managed Configurations of Prototype and Production Models, BOMs, and Physical Vehicles

  • Produced New Engineering Models and Drawings in CREO

  • Developed Flow Schematics for Use in Testing of Prototype in Microsoft Visio

  • Collaborated with Testing and Analysis to Determine Proper Pressure Budget and Model Adjustments for Prototype

  • Collaborated with Project Engineers, Testing, and Vendors to Select and Source Components for Prototype

  • Performed Thermal, Structural Analyses, and Fluid Analyses for Predicting Component Performance for Thrusters

  • Designed Iso-Grid structures to Support Lightweight Vehicles

  • Collaborated with Manufacturing, Testing, Materials and Processes, and Avionics to Assure Hardware Producibility

  • Create Drawing Release Plans for Details and Assemblies

  • Developed Indentured Parts Lists for all Configurations on Programs

  • Used Matlab to Develop Center of Gravity Shift as Fuel is Used